Marion Post Wolcott

Marion Post Wolcott is best known for the photographs she produced for the Farm Security Administration (FSA) during 1938 – 1942. She created thousands of photographs of people and places in New England, Kentucky, North Carolina, Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi. Post Wolcott was born in New Jersey and studied in New York, Paris, and Vienna. Her work as a photographer challenged gendered social norms of the time. As a woman, it was unusual for her to work as she did – independently traveling around the country meeting and photographing people she did not know. She worked as a press photographer in New York and Philadelphia before working as a photographer for the FSA. It was as a press photographer at the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, where Post Wolcott said she earned her “battle scars.” At the paper, the male staff photographers gave her a hard time for being a female photographer. But, she stood up to them and told them she “was there to stay . . . and we reached a truce.”


Marion Post Wolcott Photographed Horse Races at Hialeah Park

Marion Post Wolcott photographed horse racing and the public at Hialeah Park in 1939 as part of her work with the FSA.

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